
Your focus is on providing patients the best possible care and we’re here to help. To complement our comprehensive menu of tests, we provide resources to registered healthcare professionals to support your testing needs.

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They have cultivated a loyal following of functional and integrative medicine professionals, unified by a desire to prevent disease and attain health. They alued partners in providing only high quality testing to help us achieve clinical results faster in partnership with our patients.
John Peter
Optime Labs
My 3 year old severely struggled with constipation! I was stumped – she already didn't eat gluten, sugar or dairy & she was on supplements for gut motility even restoralax but we were not getting to the root of the problem, we did the FST test to find out she was sensitive to egg.
Johny Star
Koira Labs
About 4 years ago I was experiencing extreme eczema on my face including my eyelids. I excluded wheat and dairy and it got better. Since then I have still not felt quite right even after switching to a basically Keto way. I used the 200+ food sensitivity test and found out many other.
Anna Pary
Eteon Labs
My naturopath suggested elimination testing or your IgG test. For me it was a no brainer. I didn't want to spend any more time winging it. I wanted clear results. I got those results in a timely manner and together my naturopath and I have made a plan and my health is back on track.
Diana Castle
Optime Labs
I was so down everything hurt which wasn't considered normal for a woman my age. I went to my first naturopath and she had me tested for food sensitivities. We thought for sure It was going to come back with wheat, dairy or chocolate gladly I am fine with those!!!
Marian Chris
Sanera Labs
What I am sensitive to is cranberries, bananas, broccoli and almonds amongst other things. My naturopath asked if I used almond milk and I had, daily in my smoothie!! I switched to cashew and coconut milk and cut out other items that I scored sensitive to.
Chris Wensel
Promina Labs
They have cultivated a loyal following of functional and integrative medicine professionals, unified by a desire to prevent disease and attain health. They alued partners in providing only high quality testing to help us achieve clinical results faster in partnership with our patients.
Anna Mudson
Lab Operations
My 3 year old severely struggled with constipation! I was stumped – she already didn't eat gluten, sugar or dairy & she was on supplements for gut motility even restoralax but we were not getting to the root of the problem, we did the FST test to find out she was sensitive to egg.
Maria Andaloro
HR Officer
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We strive to make your experience as pleasant as possible, and the only way we know whether or not this is happening is by listening to you.

    Helping Patients Around the Globe!!

    We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of chronic diseases. If we cannot assist, we can provide referrals or advice about the type of practitioner you require to treat all enquiries sensitively.
    Which Plan Is Right For Me?
    Our healthcare providers count on the expertise of our staff to help map a journey towards better health for their patients. We are looking for the brightest minds and caring hearts to join our team.
    Do I have to commit to a contract?
    Our healthcare providers count on the expertise of our staff to help map a journey towards better health for their patients. We are looking for the brightest minds and caring hearts to join our team.
    What Payment Methods Are Available?
    Our healthcare providers count on the expertise of our staff to help map a journey towards better health for their patients. We are looking for the brightest minds and caring hearts to join our team.